Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday 6/25 arrived in Kajiado

Hi everyone,

Jill just texted and asked me to let you all know they have arrived safely in Kajiado. They had a great early morning on their last game drive and saw TONS of giraffe and also two lions before they hit the road to leave. They were thankful that God answered their very specific prayer requests of which animals they wanted to see. I know that seems silly but it really does a person good on a trip like this when God answers prayer like that and you can more tangibly feel Him with you and have that extra spurt of faith and trust that He is hearing you. :)

Haley M., Natalie, and Catherine M. are all now sick with the same tummy stuff that the others had. Also, Haleigh L. tripped and fell and hurt her knee. She should be just fine but Jon didn't want her to go on the hike and risk making it worse. Those four are all staying at the hotel in Kajiado with Miss Cox while the rest of the group are on a 3 hour hike to spread the gospel through the village area. She said it is sort of a campground type facility they are at now - it's the best in town. :)

Brief schedule: They will be preaching the next 3 nights at open air services and showing a film similar to the Jesus film. Jon will be preaching tonight. Catherine WAS supposed to give her testimony but can't now since she is sick. James N. said he thinks their time will be too brief for more speakers tonight anyway. Tomorrow they will be doing a VBS, more evangelism door to door, and an evening service.

She asked that we please pray for their health and attitudes as they feel like they are getting a beatdown from the enemy. Thanks for keeping up with the blog and for all your prayers.

For the group

Jenni Millet


  1. We'll be praying for this last stretch of the trip. Haley, Natalie and Catherine, please feel better quickly. This must be some fast moving virus??? Is the weather warmer where you are now? Don't like to hear about mosquitos! Stay strong and courageous, God is with you! You all have lots of fans anxious to see you and excited for your return.
    love you all,
    jennifer russell

  2. Praying a lot for you all. God is faithful--a present help in the time of need. -David Connolly

  3. Mosquitos find me any chance they get, so I understand the frustration! What an experience you are all having and good work you are doing. Jennifer, the kids are fine and having a great time. No sunburns yet even though it's been up to 105 nearly every day. Caeden is as entertaining as ever...and good bowler! They are so proud of their mother...and so are we! We continue to pray for your mission and your saef return. Kristina Sandifer

  4. Haleygirl, Mommy and I are praying for you sweet sister. I can't wait for you to get home, but I'm so excited about how God is using and teaching each one of you in so many ways.

    I think the fact that there have been hardships/illnesses shows that what you are doing is threatening to the devil and he wants to stop it. You girls keep on perservering and know that the God you serve is mighty to save and nothing is beyond His power and control.

    love, may may (meredith)

  5. Wow. You are on the home stretch and yet I agree with Meredith (note above) that you guys are doing God's mission and are being attacked in any method Satan can think of. To Haley, Natalie and Catherine, it does sound like it comes in with a bang and moves thru quickly. My prayer is that it is over in a flash and that by the time you read this, you are on the streets telling others about the one true God.

    So many people not connnected with the trip ask how you all are doing and I always say with a smile that you are having a blast, working hard, and representing God in a truly humble fashion.

    We love you all and can't wait to see you at the airport.


  6. Oh Natalie...I am so sorry you are not feeling well(Haley and Catherine too!) You may need to take the prescription you brought--I do not know if it will help if what you have is a virus. I think I can speak for all of the moms, it is so hard for a mommy to not be able to care for her sick child who is so far away! Praying for you all to recover quickly and be on the next hike to the Maisai. We miss you!!!



  7. Haley, Natalie, and Catherine, I hope y'all feel better soon! I'll be praying for your health!

    Haleigh, I'll be praying for your knee that it doesnt bother you too bad. I hope it heals up quickly!!

    Everyone - I will be praying that your energy level is able to stay high and your attitudes are all good.

    Be safe, see y'all in 4 days

    -Ian Bell-

  8. hey ya'll!
    i hope your first day with the Maasai people was fun & fruitful!! i "googled" them & they look like they wear the most beautiful, colorful robes! was it like that in real life???
    this morning i was listening to the radio & a man was giving the "warrior prayer" about putting on the whole armor of God, & i prayed that prayer for YOU ALL right with him:)!! i too, pray that the girls are feeling better by now & are able to participate in EVERYTHING you are doing... we are all so proud of you & humbled by how hard you are working! we love you & are so excited to see you on monday!!!!!
    love you ellie!!!!

  9. Daddy (McCutch),
    I miss you soooooooo much! I am being a good girl. No time outs today!!!
    We can't wait to see you on Monday. Mommy really needs a break so make sure that you spoil her when you get home. We are praying for you all the time.
    We love you!
    Marlie (Soda Pop)McCutcheon

  10. Kathy sais: I am so sorry that Haley,Natalie and Catherine are still feeling the bug...hopefully, they are better now. My sweet darlin' Haleigh, I hope your knee is better and you can get around ok. We miss you all so much but are so grateful for the work you are commited to and spreading the gospel to all these precious people. Can''t wait til Monday to see everyone...We love you and as always are lifting you up in prayer....Hugs and kisses for everyone...Love you guys, Kathy (Haleigh's mom) xoxo PS. Step away from the lion!

  11. We are praying specifically for restored health and vigor for those that are sick/hurt and a revival of energy for the entire group. Don't let the Father of Lies get you down - he has no power there! God's Word will prevail and I believe you will someday see folks in Heaven that you witnessed to on this trip.

    Love to all - Jay and Susan

  12. Natalie, we are so sorry to hear that you and your friends have been ill. Get well soon, we are thinking of you.

    Love, Uncle G. and Aunt Cindy
