Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day's End at Amboseli

Well, hello, everyone-

I am going to have to make this quick because a mosquito has decided to make this computer station his hunting grounds and I haven't quite managed to give him the smackdown yet. :)

All in all, we have had a restful day here at the Serena Amboseli Lodge (if you haven't read about our morning game drive, read the post below). We spent the majority of our free time relaxing by the pool, or in the garden area playing cards or reading. Our afternoon game drive was awesome as well. Not as many animal sightings as the morning drive, but you know, it's typically like that. The animals are hot during the day, so they are off resting somewhere (although I still don't know where that mystery location is). This evening's filming of the promotional spot for the lodge fell through, so now we are just waiting for dinner. Then we will have devotionals and head back to our rooms to pack for the trip tomorrow to Kajiado.

Let me go ahead and give you a basic schedule for our next several days (you know, of course, that this could all change and probably will... I mean, you should know that by now if you've been keeping up with our ever-evolving schedule- ha!). This may be my last chance at the computer before we get home so this is likely my final post. But of course, as I said, Jenni will keep you all informed from our phone calls and texts.

Here is the (tenative) schedule for Thursday-Sunday/Monday:

Tomorrow morning, we will do one last game drive. We'd love to see some more lions, and also some giraffes- they have been hiding! Who knows where. Around 10:30-11, we will leave the lodge and head to Kajiado (about 80 miles from here). Then we will check in to our hotel there, get our food supplies for the food relief ministry, and then James says we are hiking an hour and a half into the remote Maasai land to let the people there know we'll be in town for the next few days and to do door-to-door evangelism. So, if you're thinking about us around 6-8 a.m. on Thursday, please pray for strength and endurance for us as we hike 1 1/2 hours each way and that we will be able to reach the people with whom we come in contact. Tomorrow night, we will be having an "open-air" service and we will then show a film (I don't know which one but I think the local pastor has arranged for it, so I imagine it is "Jesus film"-esque).

Friday morning, we will do a VBS at a local primary school- please pray for this ministry as we will be presenting the Gospel to local schoolchildren! Then in the afternoon, more door-to-door evangelism and again in the evening, an open-air service.

Saturday looks to be much the same, except that we will be visiting the local Maasai market in the morning instead of a VBS (although James did tell me we have two VBS days, so I don't know when the second one will be).

Sunday morning, we will attend the local church service, and then we will head back to Nairobi, do a bit of last minute shopping, have dinner, then head to the airport. Our flight is an overnight flight to London, and then Monday morning we begin the final stretch home to Dallas! It is really hard to believe we're at the point of even talking about the flight home, but it is not too many days away...

If this is, in fact, my final post from this side of the Pond, I want to say a HUGE asante sana(thank you very much) to all of you who have been faithful to read and especially to those who have posted comments). Thank you for your prayers and love- we feel covered in prayers right now and I know you will continue to be faithful in asking for our protection, etc. We will see you all soon, and keep those comments coming- you never know when we'll be at a computer on this end. :)

And now, to take down this pesky mosquito...

love to all,


  1. Hey everyone! Hope y'all have been having fun at the lodge and such.

    Still praying for y'all! See ya monday!

    -Ian Bell-

  2. Hi Jill. Serena Lodge sounds heavenly. Wish I was there with you guys. If you don't have a place to blog anymore, feel free to text me and I'll post whatever you want, okay? Tell Jon he made our day when we got to write to him on the computer. At first I thought his account had been hacked because I didn't think he could figure out a way to get on facebook from there. Glad he got it. :)

    Love ya' girl. Thanks so much for the updates. I'll be praying for you all as you go to Kajiado.

    - Jenni

  3. Man, I hope you got that skeeter! That was hilarious. It's been great fun checking the blog and reading all these updates. I try to imagine what this all looks like in my head but I know even my brillant imagination (jk) can't replicate what you all have seen. We're all looking forward to hearing the stories when you all get back....Jennifer we love you!!!! (especially me *wink)


  4. Ellie:


