Saturday, June 20, 2009

Don't Ask For Diapers

Hi everyone,

Wow, what a response- SIXTEEN COMMENTS?!! Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and encouragements, and I really mean that. We read your comments on Michelle's Blackberry while we were driving in the Scott matatu (think VW van, but way smaller) to the orphanage this morning. It was very entertaining. Oddly, most of the people to whom the comments were directed were in the matatu with us. Twelve of 26 team members were with us, after all. You might wonder how that is possible in such a small space. I'll try to post video (because of course I documented it on film).

I don't want to leave you hanging too long about my blog title (it is a little weird sounding, I know). So I will start with a funny story here at the beginning and then get down to the serious stuff:

Yesterday at lunch, James N. told me that the word for napkin here is serviette (French word, thank you very much!). He also told me that the word "napkin" means diaper, so we should not ask for napkins- ask for serviettes instead. I promptly sat down and started telling the people at my table about it. WELL, not surprisingly, one person misheard me... I don't want to name names, but he's head of the art department at TCA (ahem). Anyhow, that person told Michelle T. that napkins were called "diapers" in Kenya. So when Michelle's table ran out of napkins at dinner yesterday, she went to the kitchen door and shouted:

"Hey, do y'all have any more diapers in there?"

That is NOT made up. I am hoping that story is as funny to you as it was to us. I'm sitting here in the super serious Scott library trying to stop my church giggles.

Okay, breathing deeply and moving onward...

I think the last thing I told you was what we would be doing in the afternoon yesterday, so I will start there and tell you about the 30 or so hours that have passed since then.

Yesterday afternoon, we were split into three groups: one group went to a local hospital, and two groups went to schools. The group that went to the hospital visited several different types of patients, from mothers who had just lost their babies in the maternity ward to people with HIV, tuberculosis, and even a few terminally ill patients. They were able to talk with these people and also to present the Gospel. All of the team members who went said it was a deeply moving experience and that they were so grateful to have gone. I was on one of the teams visiting schools, so I will tell you about our experience. We walked from the Scott campus about a mile or so to St. Valentines School (a boarding school with about 160 students). Drew D., Frances R., and Brian M. gave their testimonies- all three were VERY powerful, especially considering both Drew and Brian were giving theirs spontaneously (neither were slated to go yesterday). We also presented the Gospel at this school.

Not long after dinner, we set back out on the road in the trusty old Scott bus up to a private boarding school for girls called Halley's School for Girls, I believe. It was WAY up in the hills behind Machakos in a town called Ndelani. Catherine M. gave her testimony, and she did an amazing job. Some of you may remember David, the son of Stone (groundskeeper at Scott), who we've talked about in years past. When we were here in 2007, David tagged along with us on all of our school visits. He got saved one night while we were at a high school ministry that year. Yesterday, he asked us if he could share his testimony at one of our ministries, and of course we said yes! It was particularly moving for him to be sharing his testimony about getting saved at a high school ministry in a situation that was so similar to the same one he experienced two years before.


This morning, we split up into two groups: one group did a VBS at the Springs Of Hope Orphanage, and the rest of the team members continued on the work project (moving stones into the girls dorm, chiseling them into shape, and creating walls out of them). VBS with toddlers is probably always a challenge and I clearly planned the wrong activities (having never done a VBS for such young children). Egg hunt? Epic fail. Red Rover? What was I thinking?! But I think the most important thing was that we were able to love on those kids and give them hugs. That's all that matters in the end.

Next, while the work team continued to move stones and build walls etc, the VBS team had about an hour before Bible school for the children of Scott students and employees. Lots of those kids have been around since I started coming in 2005, so it was pretty fun to see that they still know the songs we taught them before! When we finished VBS, even those team members pitched in on the last part of today's work project (everyone except for me, since I needed to write the blog before the library closed).

The work team is amazing- they lift those three foot by one foot stones like they weigh only an ounce. Unbelievable. I havent't see how far they'd gotten but someone just told me they are about halfway done. Hopefully, we will be able to complete it on Monday. We do not (at present) have any other conflicting activities going on the whole day, so all 26 of us will be able to work. If you think about it on Monday, please pray for lots of energy and few mistakes. That will help us complete our work before we leave here on Tuesday for the next part of our journey.

Right now, it is nearly six p.m. here, and we are about to have dinner. After dinner, we have our annual social with the Scott students, where we provide the soft drinks and Cadbury chocolates. It is always really fun. Tonight's feature is... Prince Caspian. Yes, again. We can't get enough of that bear that screams "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Ha ha. No wonder those students the other night had strange reactions! :)

I don't know if I will be able to post tomorrow, but I will try. Jon informed me today that there is WiFi in the chapel/cafeteria (who knew?) so I am going to take my IPod Touch tonight and see if I can get it to work in there. If I can, maybe I can at least get something short typed out for you guys tomorrow. But in any case, here is what we are doing:

  • The majority of us will be going to one of three church visits (Bomani, Masii, and... ??? the third one escapes me). James N., Jon M., and Brian M. are preaching. The rest of us will all end up telling our testimonies, too, because that is just the way it is on these visits.
  • Drew D. and Tyler M. are each going with a Scott student to preach at one of two nearby boys' schools. They are a little nervous but I've heard them both give their testimonies, and they are both totally cool under pressure and speak with conviction. They will do great!
  • When we all get back from our church visits (which will be about 3 p.m., since we are always invited for lunch afterwards), we are hoping to go to the woodcarvers' where we usually go while we are in Machakos. It is about an hour away from here.
  • I think tomorrow night we are setting up the tables with clothing, shoes, supplies, etc for the Scott community to peruse and take on Monday during the day.
And in case I don't get a post up here tomorrow, Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there on behalf of your kids, and a special shout out to my own dad... I love you, Jaaaaaaaamie! We'll be thinking about you all!

That's all for today, folks. Hope your eyes aren't too tired.

In Christ,

Jill/Miss Cox


  1. Just read beautiful stories about Jesus' wonderful kids in Kenya. What proud parents back in the states!!!
    Thanks, and we love you Jamie #3

  2. I love the diaper story and I will make sure to tell Corinne and Caeden about it. They will be here later today.

    I know God is guiding your trip and the wonderful work you are doing with these inspiring people. May your journey continue to be safe and touch these lives!
    Kristina Sandifer

  3. Blessings for a safe and fruitful trip!

    Michel Thompson

  4. Jill,

    Aaaah! That is so hilarious about the nappies! I have my suspicions though, that Jon may have "misheard" on purpose at Michelle's expense. :) Art teachers are like that you know.

    PLEEEEEAAASE tell me somebody got David's testimony on video!!!! I would have loved to have heard that. Please give that boy a giant hug from Mrs. M. and make sure he takes his annual picture with Max. And tell Stone and his wife I send my greetings too. I'm sure David's taller than me now too.

    Thank you for the wonderful updates Jill. You get a gold star on blogging. Oh, and hey only 12 in the matutu? Come on - You can do better - please just keep that husband of mine from hanging off the back like he usually does. I would like him home in one piece thank you! :) That goes for Max too. And actually, the one you really need to watch is Mr. Thrillseeker Brian. I am sure that Cindy would like him home unharmed too.

    Okay, well blessings to you all. We are doing a day of Slip-n-Slide at the Millet household. The kids have a little thing for Jon I will be posting tonight around midnight on facebook so he can watch it tomorrow for Father's day.

    Love to all

    Jenni Millet

  5. p.s. Please remind Jon that I do not, at this time, need any more African wood carvings. Maybe next year. :) Thanks


  6. We are having so much fun reading your blog Jill!! The kids sound like they are keeping very busy and having a blast!

    We can't wait to hear more of your great African adventures!!

    Paige, we know from your emails you’re having the time of your life. I know God will be with you as you share what he means to you with others. Oh, btw, have you played the guitar yet?? :0))

    We are praying for all of you, several times a day, and know that God's hand is on each of you!!

    Greg, Leslie and William Gilbert

    Ps. Paige, Sophie misses you too!

  7. You all are doing such wonderful things over there and we are so proud of you all. Michelle in your honor I've replaced all the napkins in the house with diapers until you return. Its weird to wipe your hands with but they clean up spills great! Every song that sophie sings has the word mom it in it. And every time Liam gets in trouble he wants his mommy (so whats new). Tell Quincy that Liam misses him so much that he took his golf balls out of Q's bag and threw them over the neighbors fence. Are golf ballas cheaper in Machakos? Miss you both Michelle and Quincy. Love Sophie liam and ben

  8. Jill,
    Thanks for the newsy blog! Please tell Frances that her dad has been getting better from his Bell's Palsy the past two days. He can now shut his eye and move the left corner of his mouth. We are all praising the Lord that he is improving. I think this will make her happy!
    jennifer russell

  9. Hi Jill,
    Thank you so much for the updates! You are amazing! Tell Brian we are praying for him and the team! Tell him Happy Fathers Day! Emily says "I love you and miss you Dad!"


  10. The amount of work you all are doing there just boggles my mind. It's hard to imagine you are packing in so much activity and it sounds like it's making a true impact. I just wanted to tell Jennifer S. that we all miss her (me especially of course being her hubby) and that we can't wait to get her infectious smile and energy back home. But for now, there's work that God has for you so make it happen!

    Love muchly,
    Jesse Sandifer

  11. Jill, I am amazed at how many hits your blog is getting!! But who can resist all the exciting news. You will be one tired group when you finally get back to Dallas. God certainly has many more plans for you even yet....I know we will be amazed to see what he has in store each day you are there. He has already used all of you to do so much. Daddy Jaimie will miss you tomorrow but loved having you say "Happy Father's Day" to him. We miss and love you and love how God is using you. LB and BW in DT wanted to know all about your trip.
    Love ya,
    Momma/Jaimie 2

  12. As you get ready for this important day we continue to pray for everyone.
    Thank you, TCA.

  13. Amazing, the Lord is definitely answering our prayers! It is exciting
    to hear about the work that the team has accomplished and
    that students are taking leadership roles in giving their testimonies!
    What God can do with willing hearts! I will continue to pray for the
    Susan Cordre
    P.S. Jill you have a gift for "blogging"!
    P.S.S. Jamie's #1 and #2 are a hoot! I love "Trojan Concrete Busters"
    with Coach "Sledge Millet"!!! It cracked me up! But my question is who
    is Jamie #3?

  14. Du bist sehr gulicklik. Habe ein guten tag. Ich bin nickt schlecht, hier aus Dallas! Chuess!


  15. Thank you so so much Miss Cox for updating all of us here in the States. It is so cool to hear of all everyone is doing there! Please tell Will hello for me :) We are praying for each one of you! Praise God for this opportunity to serve God's people!

    Abby Horn

  16. Well, I just THOUGHT my week was busy with Corinne & Caeden! I am overwhelmed at everything you all are doing, and for Jennifer, I have been calling you "my little missionary" -- you are fulfilling one of your many dreams -- and this one started when you went to Russia! I can't wait to hear all of your wonderful stories when you return! Much, much, Love -- Paula Wiesner

  17. Thank you so much for writing the blog

  18. My computer skills are really showing as I have not been able to post any comments on the blog. I finally had a young girl to come over to help figure it out and she even had trouble!!! Hopefully this will go through. First of all, Jill---the blogs have been wonderful!!! Reading the stories and day to day events is almost as good as being there. Thank you to all for the work ya'll are doing in our Lord's name. This team and the leaders are truly amazing, and we know that Catherine is so blessed to be a part of this team and trip. We continue to pray for ya'll daily .Keep those stories coming Jill!!!!!! Love to all--Steve and Debra Megison

  19. God bless y'all! You've had the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ and that is AMAZING- realize that! The work you are doing, no matter how small, tedious or difficult, is pleasing to our Father...and that's what we're here on earth for! Have fun and trust in Him.
    Anna Gregg

  20. To Jennifer S.:
    I love you Mommy. I miss you. I can't wait to see you. It is hard to not see you but I know you are doing a good thing. You are the best Mommy ever! I love you Mommy. Love, Corinne

    (as dictated, word for word, by Corinne S.)
