Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Safe Arrival

In case you don't already know, the group arrived safely today in Nairobi at 1:35 PM our time.
Mary Jane Cox


  1. Thanks MJ for letting us know that everyone is safe! I conintue
    to lift the group up in prayer! Hi Drew D. and Lauren H and Wes D
    who was at the ACT on Saturday!!!!!
    P.S. It is hot here in big "D"!!!!!

  2. Thanks Mary Jane--relieved to know they have arrived safely. Hi Natalie!!!

  3. Hi Natalie,

    Glad to hear you guys arrived safely. Enjoy yourself, take a bunch of pictures so we can see them. Remember this, it's a once in a lifetime endeavor.

    Love, Uncle Gordon and Aunt Cindy

  4. So glad all of you arrived safely!!! I am praying daily (well, actually several times a day!) for all of you and know God has all kinds of wonderful things in store for you all and for those whose hearts have already been prepared before you arrived.
    Blessings on all of you, and of course, kisses are blowing toward Haley Katharine Moore!!
    Dee Moore
