Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday 6/26 -Mountaintop experience

Hi again everyone

I just talked to Jon for awhile and he said that last night was probably one of the neatest things he's ever experienced in Africa. They had been busy all day hiking out to different villages and evangelizing and so finally around sunset, they left to hike to one last remote Masaii village with their guides to meet with a group of Masaii that had been expecting them since around noon. They weren't sure exactly how far it was, but it turns out it was 4 or 5 miles up a very remote mountain - so remote there were zebra and gazelle wandering around everywhere.

They said when they finally got up there, the group was so ecstatic to see them. None of them had ever seen Americans before, and apparently don't get a lot of visitors. It was a typical Masaii village with just a few small huts and a tree as their church. One of the women had become a christian long ago and had spent years praying for a pastor. A former student of James Ndungu has been working in that area and evangelizing and organizing so now they get frequent contact with a pastor. Jon said while many of them now claim to be christians, some are definitely still confused and still make animal sacrifices and pray to the rain god, etc. But they were extremely welcoming and receptive and eager to hear what they came to say.

Anyway, Jon said James Ndungu was on fire and gave a great message to them in their "church" under the tree. They were all invited to go into the huts and look around the village afterward. When it was time to leave, they hiked back down the mountain with a few flashlights, but mostly by starlight and didn't get back until after midnight. They had a late supper and then went to bed. I'm sure I didn't do this story justice so you will want to ask them all about it when they get back.

Today they went to another remote Masaii village (the whole town and surrounding villages are ALL Masaii people) and Jon said Jill did a fantastic job with a VBS program for them. There were about 30 schoolchildren that came. He said that the whole town and villages are almost all women and children right now because all the men (who are farmers) have all taken the livestock into Tanzania looking for grass. And for all you who tend to worry like me - he said they feel extremely safe and welcome in this area.

When I talked to Jon, they were at a gas station because the bus had a flat tire. And our son had just wandered by with a 2 liter bottle of Coca I don't think they minded the stop. :) They will be doing another open-air service tonight in the town and they are showing either the Jesus film or the Passion. Please continue to keep them in your prayers as they reach the home stretch of the trip.

Sickie updates:
Natalie and Catherine M. are "sort of mostly" better
KJ Johnson and Hamilton L and Haleigh M are now/still sick

He said he's really not sure if it's a virus or just a result of eating strange things and traveling because everyone has had it to varying degrees but it doesn't seem to be too bad.

That's all for now. I will post any new updates as I hear them.

- Jenni Millet


  1. jenni, what you described sounds like something out of a movie! i am so sorry to hear that that bug is still alive & kickin':( we will continue to pray!
    i'm sure the team won't read this till they get home, but we just wanted you to know that we were praying for you on this day! getting so excited for monday:)
    lots of love!!!
    mary jane

  2. "I will lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip, He who watches over you will not slumber; He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you, the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm, He will watch over your life; the Lord WILL watch over your comings and goings both now and forevermore" Psalm 121

    Precious team, He is watching over you and is keeping you in the palm of His hand. Keep on keeping on for Him! See you Monday!
    The Dickens family

  3. We are praying for peace, endurance, and healing in these last few days....We love you Brian!

    Love, Cindy, Trevor, and Emily

  4. Wow... sounds amazing, not gonna lie...

    All you sick people, i'm praying that you get well soon!

    Everyone in general - I'm praying that you stay safe, and that y'all have enough energy to do the work God is doing through you in Africa.

    See y'all in 3 days!!

    -Ian Bell-

  5. O.K. this is weird! I finally got a message posted! My computer let me post before but now it's not so I had to go through the TCA portal and I finally got in! Hopefully no one else is having this issue. Tell Brian M. we love him!!

    Cindy, Trevor, and Emily

  6. Cindy- thanks for the insight about using the TCA portal, but have been trying to post almost every other day, and always get bumped out! So, I'll try your way!

    Dear Mission Team- I know you have no idea how many lives are being changed through your African adventure...but I KNOW it is many...significantly, I must tell you that your work half way round the world as changed My life! The experience I have had just following you through Africa (via internet sites, the blog, emails, etc...) has been astounding! I truly do feel like I have been to and seen another 'world' for the first time! I have fallen in love with Africa and her needs- just as I know you have...May God increase your strength and time and schedule during your last days there-I know His holy, holy, perfect and loving hand is on you all!---Can't wait to see everyone home safe and sound on Monday!

    Leslie G (greg)

    PS- Paigeeee----miss you and love you out of this world!

  7. Ok- I'm a slow learner...Greg just showed me how to follow thru :)...if you try to post something and the blog tells you 'sorry, unable to post at this time'...Just hit "Post Comment" again...than seems to work!- at least it did for him!! :)

    Love to all-
    L & G

  8. I am so thankful that the girls are all feeling better now. Please tell our Catherine that we are praying for her, love her and miss her. Hopefully this was a fast virus. The village experience sounded awesome. I can't wait to hear more stories. Love to all
    the Megisons
