Monday, June 22, 2009

Correction on Dates

Oops! I am sorry, I had said they would leave for Amboselli today. When I looked at their schedule, I saw that they actually had another work day at Scott today (which is almost over). Obviously, Jill has not had time to post today. I am sure she will later before she goes to bed. They will leave tomorrow at 8:00 AM, their time, for Amboselli.
Mary Jane


  1. Thank you Mary Jane for keeping us straightened out and informed! You're awesome!
    Laurie D

  2. Daddy (AKA McCutcheon),
    We've been writing you on Facebook but apparently you aren't able to check that right now. We are glad you are doing well and doing GREAT things for God in Africa. Our message at church this weekend was about dads leading future generations to God. We are thankful to have a dad that is passionate about his work for God in Africa. Marlie wants to know if you found her sister yet???
    Marlie is going to type this next part for her daddy:

  3. Hey to everyone in Kenya!

    Hope all is going well. I've been praying for y'all daily and will continue to do so!

    Pilippians 4:13 "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."

    -Ian Bell-

  4. To Lauren's Angels !!!
    Nothing upsets a mom more than hearing her baby (ok, she's 17 but I don't admit that out loud yet) is sick. Having her sick in a foreign country just adds to the drama.

    Enter Lauren's angels! A very grateful mom wants to thank Mrs C and Haleigh T. for their helping Lauren in MANY ways survive this sickness. You have gone above and beyond and well, I am struggling for the right words to simply say thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping her. I hear she is better and she couldn't be so without all your help. So simply---thank you!!!
    Now, I'd also like to thank Ellie T, Mrs. M, and Michelle T for the hourly visits to check on her and bring her food. Lauren couldn't have asked for sweeter/kinder "moms" than you. When I think of the fruits of the spirit God has given each of us, each of you are using those talents to the max. I know that I might be leaving names out, so forgive me if I have done so. I will get the whole story when Lauren makes it home.
    Love and prayers to you all,
    Pam and Barron Hardison

  5. Hi Mrs. Hardison-

    I have been at this computer for a couple of hours writing the blog so I haven't seen Lauren in awhile... but last time I saw her, she was MUCH improved! We love your girl!!! :) Don't worry about her (too much), we are taking great care of her, and we will make sure she is not toooooooooo uncomfortable. For example, when she told me this morning she was going to read some of her CRP book while she was resting, I said, "GIRL! YOU ARE SICK!!! Why do you want to read HOMEWORK!??!" Haha. But in all seriousness, please know that we are being your "surrogates" over here and we are sorry that you have to worry from so far away!!!
