Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Please note if you need to contact anyone on the trip and cannot reach them at the phone number listed in your packet, call Jenni Millet at
972-412-1617 (home) or
469-867-5382 (cell)

or for emergencies only you can try the secondary mobile phone that Jon will be carrying at all times
Dial 1-254-214-518-9534 (the 254 part is the roaming country code)

I will also make posts anytime I hear news from the group.

Praying with you

- Jenni Millet


  1. Hey Ellie Turner, Hope you get this message. We are praying for your team and all those you minister too. Love you, Nee Nee

  2. So sorry to hear that Lauren, Ellie and Frances have not been well. Will be praying for you chicas bonitas! Hey Haley Moore - this is btm :) I was in the Hill Country with a bunch of cousins and just saw May May tonight. :) We love you and miss you, Mom xoxo PS Don't have a number to call for that ticket thing, but will see what I can do tomorrow...

  3. the above comment was from DEE MOORE
