Monday, June 22, 2009

Last Day in Machakos...

Hi all,

Sorry- I texted my mom last night and told her I'd post by the time you got up this morning. Unfortunately, this is Kenyan time and our day of "oh, we are ONLY doing the work project" quickly turned into that plus two quote-unquote VBS's, another school visit, and aaaaaaghhhhhhh now it is almost 8 p.m. and I have finally sat down at a computer. I am about to miss our super important group meeting but I got permission from the boss since this may be our last post for awhile... well, in person, that is. Jenni and MJ should be keeping you up to date even if we can't.

In keeping with tradition, I'd like to start by telling you the funny story of the day. At one of my two visits to the Mumbuni school (a nearby primary school, a.k.a. grades 1-8), the teachers were asking questions to make sure that the students had understood us completely. Here is the last interchange:

TEACHER: And if you ask Jesus to be your Savior, WHERE will you go?

STUDENTS: TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uh, no. :) But funny all the same. I believe the term EPIC FAIL applies here.

Here is a recap of the last 36-48 hours since my last post:

  • Saturday evening: Movie night with Scott community. Prince Caspian was a major hit, as were the Cokes and Cadbury's chocolate. :)
  • Sunday morning church services: Wonderful at all three churches- Bomani, Kataloni, and Kitituni... see below for an explanation of why I'm not writing more.

Well, it is only bad if you are me, the blog author. Gentle readers, I had written about two pages past this point, full of great and wonderful information. But, I have decided that the internet is my own personal enemy tonight. To make a long story short, I was using the FACULTY computer lab thinking it would be faster, but I should have known better. The internet shut down in that lab just at the point mentioned above, and everything I wrote was not auto-saving onto Blogger. ARGH. So, being the quick thinker I am, I saved my post to a Word doc. Then I came over to the library, and once I arrived there, I found out that there are VERY few computers who have internet at the moment. The sweet Scott students gave me a spot (seriously, they completely moved over and gave me one of the working ones even though they have exams) because that is the polite type of people they have here.

So I thought I was on the road to being finished when... I opened up the disk and it says my doc has a VIRUS. OY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All that work is now gone down the drain..... argh.

Needless to say, I am tiiiiiiiiiiiiired after all this calamity so I am going to leave a much shorter version of what I had before. I apologize in advance... but here are today's activities in retrospect:

  • WORK PROJECT: Today, the group almost completed the work project, and the Scott maintenance staff is going to complete what we haven't finished (which is very little). I think they got video of the final product. Way to go team!
  • SCHOOL VISITS: There were three today: 2 to the Mumbuni school (where our friends David, Momo, Faith, Panina, and Love all attend), and one to an engineering school. More on the Mumbuni visit below.
  • ORPHANAGE: Frances R. and her crew completed the "mural" (which is actually a border around one room with the animals from Noah's Ark). And Jennifer S. shot footage for a video she is planning to put together for the LakePointe Church about the ministry there at Springs of Hope.
  • CLOTHING, ETC DONATIONS: Amber M. and Michelle T. organized and sorted the last of the clothing donations into men's/women's/childrens' sections, and we had the most needy of the married faculty/staff/students come to get your donated clothing, toys, shoes, etc. It was greatly appreciated- I have been stopped several times on my way to the library by people wishing to express their gratitude. Thanks so much for all you donated!

About the Mumbuni visits... I will tell you about this morning's visit to the 8th graders. We intended to stay long enough to do our regular Gospel presentation, but instead, we stayed two hours BEYOND THAT answering the students' questions about America and our lives as Americans. It was really interesting, because these young people had VERY thoughtful and specific questions. In fact, they even asked us to sing the National Anthem, and we obliged! And you will be so proud of Natalie N.: she did a cheer for that entire group (about 100ish teenagers) BY HERSELF so that she could demonstrate what "cheerleading" is. It was so great! GO NATALIE!

Oh, goodness... they are closing the library so I need to wrap this up...

In case you weren't aware, we are leaving early in the morning for Amboseli National Park. James N. told me yesterday that we were going to drive there via the Tanzania border so that we can get our passports stamped. I will believe it when I see it but maybe he is not pulling my leg. He likes to do that (maybe because I fall for his shenanigans pretty much every time). We will go on a game drive in the afternoon and hopefully I will be able to write you from our hotel.

By the way, please pray for poor Lauren H. She woke up at 4 a.m. VERY sick. She is doing a lot better now (thanks to little packets of powdered Gatorade... who knew?!) but she is still feeling queasy, and the drive tomorrow won't be much fun for her if she is still ill. At this point, we do not feel like it is a virus or anything contagious, so that is good. But what a trooper she is. She told me today she was planning to read her CRP book while she was resting. I told her she was not allowed! NO HOMEWORK WHILE SICK!!! It's my rule. Okay, not really. But I definitely don't think anyone should be forced to do homework AND be sick.

Sorry this post wasn't more informative... I am falling asleeeeeeeep at this desssssssssssskkkkk.... OH, and one more thing. Thank you a million, billion times for the comments you've left. You would not believe how much we look forward to getting those! Keep 'em coming, don't be shy!

Love to all,



  1. Jill, don't know how you do it...the incredible pace of your trip, the hard work, throw in a few new VBS meetings, and then computer challenges. And then you write it all in a fun, creative way so that we all enjoy your posts from half way around the world and wish we were there to be spontaneous with you. Tell Natalie I am proud of her for showing her cheer to the students. Her enthusiasm and the team's rendition of the national anthem may make it seem like Texas IS a piece of heaven after all!
    Praying for you all,
    Teresa Scott

  2. Ahoy Ishie!

    i hope you have the covert operation under control just like we talked about. It will blow mom and dad's mind. Mom still says every day that she hope you will bring her a cute Kenyan baby home. I tell her she's trying to pull a Madonna. I miss you kid! I saw someone in India Palace with a lucky cat t-shirt on :) Love you Ell. Be safe and have fun.


  3. Aw Jill - I can SOOOO feel your pain with the computer frustrations. Augh! I can't wait to see all this great video footage you all are getting. I'm so glad I get to be the editor again. :) And I am SO happy to hear Jennifer got some video for our church at the orphanage. In case Jon forgot, tell her I've facebooked Wes about it and he is interested in looking into a LakePointe partnership there.

    Thanks for posting again and please tell Jon that I got both his messages. You are going to make fun of me for this I am sure...but today we had just come home from a movie and unloaded out of the car about to go inside and heard the phone ringing - when I realized we were LOCKED OUT of our house. Of course, it was Jon calling and I could hear him leaving a message. DARN IT! :) Luckily, the next door neighbors (who apparently can't find the key I'm pretty sure we gave them) let us in their house while we waited for the locksmith and they came within an hour. But please tell him sorry we keep missing his calls. I really should keep the spare key on the OUTside of our house instead of in my old purse in my closet. :)

    So sorry to hear Lauren is sick. Poor girl. Did Jon give her some of that homeopathic stuff he has that usually works? Well, hopefully she will be better and not miss out on the safari.

    I hope you all have a blast on the Safari. Enjoy some well-deserved rest. Please tell Jon and Max we miss them and are proud of them. Oh, I meant to ask Max if he only has one fish... because I thought there were supposed to be more in his tank but I only see one now. : / Hmmmmm.

    Seriously Jill - thank you so much for the time you spend posting info. It is so great for those of us back at home to get a glimpse into the trip but I know what you have to go through to get it posted. We do appreciate it.

    Praying for you guys!


  4. Jiiiiilllllll,
    You rock my friend, you rock! Blessings to you and the whole team... tell Wesley that his Mom, Dad and Brother Brad say "hi!" and we miss him and pray for him daily.... and now, we're praying for Lauren Hardison even more... bless her heart.
    Glad to hear you're having a good time, albeit frustrating with computer issues. And here I thought computer issues were only at TCA.. ha!
    One more thing, though.... just in case Wesley had any ideas of bringing home stray critters from the safari.... no, no, no.. no matter how cute they are
    God's grace and mercy to you! The Dickens family

  5. jill, you are SUCH a good blogger!!! i would have given up after all that! thank you for hanging in there!!! you make us feel like we are right there with you:)
    the whole "texas/heaven" story is PRICELESS!!
    we will be praying for lauren, bless her heart, ellie has dramamine if anyone needs any for the drive!
    it's so cool to hear how everyone's gifts are coming into play as you serve-
    God is so good:)
    have a fun, relaxing time on the safari!!! we love & miss you, ellie girl!!!!
    mary jane, jeff & caroline

  6. Michelle and Quincy,
    I'm so proud of the work you are doing, it also sounds as though you are having lots of fun. The diaper thing was to funny and I could totally see Michelle doing something like that. Love reading your posts on FB. Glad to hear that all is going well. In our prayers.
    The Cruz Family

  7. Michelle and Quincy,

    I am excited for you and the experiences you are having. This must be a life changing experience. Priorities are certainly different, aren't they?

    We get bits and pieces from Ben. I hope you are journaling and take lots of pictures.

    I picked up Liam at the gym and took him to swim. He is really improving.

    Look forward to seeing you on Monday.


  8. Michelle and Quincy,
    Hey guys!! We miss you both sooo much!! It's exciting to hear of all the different things you are experiencing! Michelle....I literally missed you by one second this morning when you were at the internet cafe! I've been trying for hours to figure out how to post some pics for you of your family at the pool but was never able to!! Be safe and remember we love you and miss you!! Hugs and Kisses!!

  9. Sounds awesome, I am missing being with yall this year... make sure to play some soccer and chase animals for me (Catherine M.) as well as play some guitar for worship (you know who you are) ;)

    Coach Coe

  10. Thanks again for the information that you had to write several times. I'm glad you stuck with it (-: Love and prayers to all
    Debra and Steve Megison
