Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday in Kenya

Because the library is closed on Sunday, Jill has not been able to get to a computer. She will post between 3 and 8 AM our time tomorrow morning. They will leave Scott tomorrow for the game reserve in Amboselli . That will be a nice break after all the hard work. All of the church visits went well and I am sure she will report more on that tomorrow.
Most of the group went to the wood carvers this afternoon except for 4 who went hiking with John McCutcheon in the Iveti hills.
I am sure many of you will receive carved wood gifts. :)
Jenni, Jill said to tell you that Jon hasn't gotten to see the video but did open his present and she filmed it for you.
Please pray for their safety as they travel tomorrow.
Happy Father's Day to all Dads,
Mary Jane


  1. Thanks for the update MJ! I'm think everyone in the world saw our video EXCEPT Jon. Oh well! :) We were gone and missed his call today too so I was glad you had gotten a little info. Thanks!


  2. hey everyone!
    have the BEST time at the game reserve!!! how exciting!! i'm sure it was hard to say goodbye to all of your new friends in Machakos, but i know you will never forget them:) we are already dying to see pictures & hear stories & we still have a week to go!!! we will be praying for you as you travel tomorrow... jill, give elie girl a hug & kiss for us:) we cant wait to hear about everything you see! we are always praying for you all!
    mary jane turner
